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NERVEN_G2 Baraniak.jpg

Choreographer Yolanda Morales, together with her team, transforms the stage into a mythological space atmospherically charged by light, sound and patterns. The age of the Anthropocene is past, the prophesied ecological crisis has occurred. Some people have survived the catastrophe.


They still remember old signs and narratives, but are in a phase of transition and transformation. Following Donna Haraway's character of Camille from her feminist utopia "Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.," the dancers on stage slip into bodies whose human DNA might be related to an insect or even a mushroom web. They have developed a new ability with each other: they can create a nervous, highly sensitive, emphatic system in which every sensation, every vibration is shared with everyone else in the room.


2021 I collected texts, graphics, drawings and pictures of the choreographic work of NERVEN. In the form of a digital catalog I organized and prepared documentation material with the aim to translate it into a visual presentation that can be shared in a digital format and published on an online platform. IMAGINATIVE BODIES BEWEGEN UND SCHREIBEN was supported by FO N D S  D A R S T E L L E N D E K Ü N S T E E . V . N E U S TA R T KULTUR #TAKECARE 





Direction and Choreography: yolanda morales ​


Dance:  Emilie Lund, Joel Paulin, Alicia Ocadiz, Ida Hørlyck Thomsen

Sound composition und live musik: Christopher Ramm

Dramaturgy: Barbara Schmidt-Rohr

Stage Design:  Lea Burkhalter

Costume Design: Lea Lahr-Thiele

Light design: Sönke c. Herm

Assitent of production: Ann-Leonie Niss
​Production: Yolanda Morales

Grafik: Judith Hilgenstöhler
​Video: Martin Prinoth
​Foto: G2 Baraniak

In cooperation with the Lichthof theater Hamburg
With the support of ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
​Ermöglicht durch die wiederaufnahme- und gastspielförderung des dachverbands freie darstellende künste hamburg, im auftrag der freien und hansestadt hamburg, behörde für kultur und medien.


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